Wednesday 7 January 2015

Location Location Location

These are pictures of the locations where I have scouted out as to where I will film my opening title sequence.
 The first place is the outside of some woods just near from where I will be filming the rest of my scenes. This is convenient for the actors and other crew members as it is only a two minute walk so transport isn't needed. This is where I will be filming May walking along right at the beginning of the sequence.

I took these pictures at around 3 o'clock today when it was getting dark from the clouds and rain that was fast approaching. Hopefully I will be able to film in this weather as it seemed the best fitting for my opening sequence. I've checked the weather on the days I hope to film, so far so good!

There was one other place I was considering and it was a field next to where I'm originally shooting. The location is a 2 minute walk away from the other location and there isn't any safety risks involved getting there. However, there is always a vast amount of people walking their dogs along with children playing. It would have been difficult to get good audio as well as trying not to get these people in shot. Also, because I'm shooting over the weekend, it would be ever more difficult as there would be more people there. Because of this, it is why I'm not filming there. Where I'm filming is more private and tend to be less people walking up and down, reducing the risk of having someone walking through in the background.

It also had a little area where there were old stone stairs that were over grown and gave off a post apocalyptic feel, however, because of the implications I thought it would be difficult to film there too.

We then have the back garden at the back of the house I am shooting in. Right now there are no leaves on the trees and a lot of the plants look like they could use some TLC which I think would help add on to the overall effect I am trying to perceive. The use of dead plants will help with the somber mood as well. (I will be updating this as soon as possible as my camera ran out of charge by the time I got round to taking the photos and it got too dark to take pictures on my phone).
 There are other locations I am using such as various rooms of my house but again, these will be updated when it is lighter.

Until next time,

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