Thursday, 29 January 2015

Filming So Far & Test Footage

This post is just a little update of what I've done so far. So at this point I have filmed about 2 thirds of my footage. I started filming on Wednesday and that was the first scene where we see May walking along the path with blood on her hands and her weapon.
 There were a few problems I encountered as I originally wanted to film scene 1 and 2. However, the filming location was next to a ball par where a few people were playing. This was fine as I didn't get any in shot and for the audio it didn't matter as I'm using a voice over so any external noises would be silenced anyway. However, I was trying to take establishing shots and there were more people walking down. So, I've decided to use this footage I've filmed as test footage as I re-filmed these scenes.
 So I spent more time than I thought filming the first scene as I was waiting for people to move out of the shot. I started filming at around 3 o'clock as I thought it would be an appropriate time for lighting and it fitted in with my plot as when May looks at her watch and sees that it's nearly sundown, it's appropriate to film just before dusk rather than at half 11 in the morning or else it wouldn't look real.
 Because I spent so long filming the first scene, it was too dark to film the second scene which is why I filmed on the 18th. Also, the original plan was to film on the 10th and 11th as it was over the weekend and there was plenty of time. However, my actress had to cancel at the last minute so I moved it to the 12th.
 The final problem was that the room I had planned to film half of my scene 2 in had at the last minute needed emergency work on the floor tiling so that was completely off limits as well. This means that instead of May entering the original room, she is now entering through the kitchen instead. However, I've managed to play this problem to my advantage and use it as apart of my location. I'm going to write a warning on the door, something like 'keep out, dead inside' and include some more dialogue in the voice over so that it all fits together.

 So below is my test footage which I originally was going to use as my first scene but decided against it as a better filming opportunity popped up. Using this as test footage was ideal as it allowed me to see which shots worked and what shots didn't. For example, I had a close up of the shirt as she was walking along but it didn't look very good so I scrapped this shot when I went to re film this scene. Also, it allowed me to spot any continuity mistakes or camera mishaps that I would then avoid when filming again.

And now I have finally finished filming so I can begin the editing process!

Until next time,

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Shot Lists

These are the shot lists I will be using when I start filming this weekend. This is just another useful thing I will need when I'm filming as it will come in handy as a way of making sure I have shot everything I need.

Until next time,

Production Schedule

So this is my production schedule for my final piece. This contains all the information I need when filming my opening sequence. When filming this will come in handy for keeping track of which scene and shot I am on, along with my script and storyboard. This also helps those who are involved to know which scene they are needed in.

That's all for now.

Until next time,

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Location Location Location

These are pictures of the locations where I have scouted out as to where I will film my opening title sequence.
 The first place is the outside of some woods just near from where I will be filming the rest of my scenes. This is convenient for the actors and other crew members as it is only a two minute walk so transport isn't needed. This is where I will be filming May walking along right at the beginning of the sequence.

I took these pictures at around 3 o'clock today when it was getting dark from the clouds and rain that was fast approaching. Hopefully I will be able to film in this weather as it seemed the best fitting for my opening sequence. I've checked the weather on the days I hope to film, so far so good!

There was one other place I was considering and it was a field next to where I'm originally shooting. The location is a 2 minute walk away from the other location and there isn't any safety risks involved getting there. However, there is always a vast amount of people walking their dogs along with children playing. It would have been difficult to get good audio as well as trying not to get these people in shot. Also, because I'm shooting over the weekend, it would be ever more difficult as there would be more people there. Because of this, it is why I'm not filming there. Where I'm filming is more private and tend to be less people walking up and down, reducing the risk of having someone walking through in the background.

It also had a little area where there were old stone stairs that were over grown and gave off a post apocalyptic feel, however, because of the implications I thought it would be difficult to film there too.

We then have the back garden at the back of the house I am shooting in. Right now there are no leaves on the trees and a lot of the plants look like they could use some TLC which I think would help add on to the overall effect I am trying to perceive. The use of dead plants will help with the somber mood as well. (I will be updating this as soon as possible as my camera ran out of charge by the time I got round to taking the photos and it got too dark to take pictures on my phone).
 There are other locations I am using such as various rooms of my house but again, these will be updated when it is lighter.

Until next time,

Sunday, 4 January 2015


This is my mood board I created on pinterest and it contains images that are related to my final piece. On most of the pictures I've written a description on why I like it or why it's related to my title sequence. You can find it here.

Until next time,

Saturday, 3 January 2015


This is a really short post about the props I'll be using within my title sequence.

 A bat will be used as May's weapon when we see her for the first time in the panning shot of her body.

 If I can't get a hold of a bat, I'll use a golf club instead as this will be just as effective.

When May is in the living room at the end, I want to use this type of lamp as her source of light on the table next to her. The reason why I want one of these types in particular is so that I can highlight the idea that all technology has gone. That she's resulted to using old fashioned appliances as a way of getting by.

 If I can't get a hold of one of those types of lamps, I'll use a more modern camping version as this still runs on batteries rather than household mains.

I'll be using fake blood on the clothing and weapon she has about her person as this will intensify the situation and help establish the horror theme of it as blood is a general element of that genre.

 I also want to place this fake blood on various parts of the location where I'll be filming as a way of creating a tense situation. For example, if I can I'll make a puddle of it in the lane where she'll be walking up. I'll also create blood handprints on the house near the windows and doors as a way of showing the ever present threat of the others.

So that is all for this post.
Until next time,

Friday, 2 January 2015

Title Breakdown

This is a run down of the titles I will including within my opening title sequence. These are in order of how I want them to appear.

- Universal Pictures logo
- Universal Pictures presents
- In association with Lionsgate Films
- A Jerry Bruckheimer production
- Alex Hendry
- Noah Clarkson
- Natalie Turner
- Movie title - Last One Standing
- Kayla Frank
- Gordon Dewes
- More co stars names ( I'll add more if I need to fill up space in post production)
- Casting Director Charlotte Young, CSA
- Music Gustavo Santaolalla
- Costume Design Tom Singh
- Special Effects Supervisor George Yancey
- Edited by Antonia Hendry
- Production Design Bert Dhalie
- Director of photography Francis Foggera
- Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer
- Directed by Toni Hendry

So these are my titles in this order. This may change depending on how the product looks in post production. I may choose to place the film title last as it will film the black space when May turns off the lights and I think it will be more effective. However, there is also the chance that it will go after the production and distribution team appears, before any actors names are shown.

So that is all for this post.
Until next time,

Thursday, 1 January 2015

My Script and Plot Outline

So in today's post I will be talking about my script and a quick outline of my plot which will help create more sense of my storyboard.
 So first off, I'll show you the script.

It is fair to say it seems quite bleak but I don't want to over complicate my opening sequence with a mass of dialogue. I want to keep it simple whilst May, discusses very little of the world she lives in with the audience. I want them to guess and figure out who 'they' are.

So May has just lost her sister to the others whilst they were both out hunting for food. This is why she has a weapon and explains the reasons for having blood on her shirt. She is obviously upset as she is now completely alone in the world, she doesn't know of any other humans alive. She sits in her house, upset and angry before looking at her watch. Realising the time, she closes curtains and locks windows and doors, because the nighttime is when the others are especially active. This is what makes her even more angry, that she lost her sister to the slowest of the others whilst out on a hunt, whilst the stronger ones rest in the darkness before making their appearance at night. May sits in her front room with a small lantern, and runs over the days events in her head once again, before turning off the lantern and resting up for another day in once has home to her is now Hell.

So it's quite a straight forward script and plot but I wanted to keep it simple. I might add in a couple more scenes or dialogue but that depends on whether or not I'll have enough time to do so as I want to limit this title sequence to at the most 3 minutes.

So that's all for today's post.
Until next time,